Facility Calendar

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“Small” font size

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Column is set to DARK style with BG color changed to ACCENT

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Heading 3 semantic and size - Heading Font Family - Sora

Heading 3 semantic and size - Heading Font Family - Work Sans

Heading 3 semantic and size - Heading Font Family - Roboto Condensed

Heading 3 semantic and size - Heading Font Family - Big Shoulders Display

Heading 3 semantic and size - Heading Font Family - Alegreya Sans

Heading 3 semantic and size - Heading Font Family - Montserrat

Heading 3 semantic and size - Heading Font Family - Libre Baskerville

BG color = accent

BG color = matte black

BG color = dark gray

BG color = light gray

BG color = Season Color 1

BG color = Season Color 2

BG color = Season Color 3

BG color = Season Color 4

BG color = Season Color 5

BG color = Season Color 6

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